Advantages In Hydroponics Including Some Disadvantages.

There are many advantages in hydroponics compared to soil gardening.some obvious, others less so, There are also a few disadvantages with this method Although soil less gardening is taking off in a huge way, you need to know what you may be in for if certain challenges arise, allowing you to be better prepared as hydroponic gardeners in the long run.


There is much less water wasted..Plants work by drawing up water from the roots, into the stem, and up to the leaves. Hydroponically, water is directly supplied to the roots system In an enclosed environment., The water is recirculated. almost eliminating evaporation and drainage, unlike its soil counterpart.

Eliminate weeding, and herbicides. Weeds develop and thrive if the soil has plant debris, is low quality, soggy,  or compacted. Lets not also forget the seeds blown in the wind, from birds, and rainstorms .With hydroponics, growing in a greenhouse or indoors, maintaining a clean environment with no plant seeds or debris, can eridicate this problem.

When using herbicides, they can accidentally drift and blow back onto your plants, destroying them The end result of not using herbicides is a much cleaner and non toxic crop.

Plants grow faster . Plants wont grow as well in soil due to nutrients not being accesed and spread unevenly .. The microbes in the soil like bacteria and fungi need to breakdown the nutrients suitable for the root system to uptake them.

A mixture of too much, or not enough water can also reduce the plants growth potential. .Too much water can starve the roots of oxygen , and prevent the uptake of nutrients and water. Htdroponics bathes the roots in a precice blend of nutrients,, water and oxygen.

You can grow what you need, regardless of season Whether indoors or outdoors The root temperature of a plant is more crucial than the  leaf temperature. Through the use of heaters and chillers, winter crops can be grown in summer,  plus summer crops can be grown vice versa.. Simply burying the reservoir can also acheive good results.

By keeping the water temperature at optimal levels plants need, its possible to extend your growing season.

Less space is required In soil gardening, a plant must spread its roots in order to hunt for nutrients and water, unlike hydroponics, where the uptake of nutrients is precice, allowing a much smaller roots systyem. This allows more plants to be placed in the same amount of space.

There are more options for garden design. Hydroponics allows more flexibility of system layout. If you live in an apartmrnt, you can build your system up the wall if desired. You can have a snall system on the kitchen counter.. If you choose a grow room, you can have it any size you want,

You have control over the growing environment You have total control over how much ventilation crops need, humidity , temperature control, lighting and different spectrums to be able to grow more readily..

You have more control over nutrient concentration

No need for pesticides.   There is no where for pests  to burrow into the soil, or plant debris..The environment and plant medium are kept clean., being indoors, or a greenhouse., but sometimes you may need to perform pest control techniques.


When starting out, you can be in for an overwhelming ride. . With soil gardening, you plant your seed, water your garden, and watch it grow. The sunlight takes care of the rest. With hydroponics, theres a lot of elements to consider.Different plants and vegetables need different forms of light. Timers perform different functions, and you need to set up the grow room properly.

The initial cost can be pricey. Setting up a hydroponic garden , you need a lot of equipment. Timers, fans, nutrients and medium for startersTheres pots, pumps. diagnostic meters and the grow room..

Theres a risk of power outages and equipment failure . Unless you have the ability to set up a back up generator,or at least have solar panels, loss of power will very quickly destroy your hydroponic garden.
If the plants or crop do not receive correct feed regimes, or no light at all, processes are severely interupted, with the serious potential to destroy your hard work.

Although there are a few disadvantages with hydroponic gardening, it can be  extremely rewarding  .. A lot of fun can be had with building,setting up and running your own garden. If you have any questions, or wish to offer any advice or feedback, please do .Thankyou for reading.

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